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At Traffic Calming USA we are dedicated to providing state of the art products to help in
reducing speeds and accidents on our roadways. Our primary focus is on Pedestrian Safety
in areas where there are possible conflicts with motor vehicles.


Our clients include Municipal and County governments, State DOT's, Universities, and commercial property owners.


Our products are used on Downtown Streetscapes, Safe Routes to School projects, Traffic Calming schemes and more. Crosswalk safety is our primary concern. Our products help create awareness by using colors and textures to grab the attention of motorists so that they expect pedestrian's to be in the area. We also use a variety of colors and textures to reduce speeds on municipal and county roadways. Visual "Narrowing" of the travel lanes is a proven and very useful traffic calming technique to reduce speeds.


Our LED Enhanced Radar signs are also effective at grabbing the motorist's attention as to the safe operating speed of the roadway.


Let us help you with your Traffic Calming needs.


TrafficCalming USA We're Proud
TrafficCalming USA Pros
Traffic Calming USA Innovation

We're Innovative

We develop cost-effective, real world solutions customized to meet your needs.

We're Professional

Our trained and certified installers are committed to delivering exceptional customer service.

We're Proud

We take pride in helping reduce accidents and save lives. We sleep soundly knowing our products make communities safer. 


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